
This brand new online magazine was born from a conversation I had a while back with my partner.

I had become more interested to write or read narratives that were innovative and were offering new perspectives on various topics, like Social Media, for example. This is a tricky field because it is an everchanging “monster”.

I realized I wanted to start writing about themes and things that I love, that I feel strongly and passionate about, and approach these things with new glasses on, not rose-tinted ones, but more like wearing a fish-eye lense where the view is wide and encompassing.

And I also wanted to be my own boss… so the name “A Different Press” came to my mind.

This magazine is about Style, Photography, Art, as well as Music. It will look at the diverse world that is Travel, pointing out those pit-stops that are de-rigueur for the curious traveller, but there will also be plenty to read and discuss on jazz, for example, which is a music I have learnt to appreciate and love in the last decade or so.

Space for a narrative to those who want to delve into the unknown and get to learn more and more. The magazine will eventually be open to contributors from both the writing and the visual world.

Erminia Yardley – Editor